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Best Seller | Cupid, invisible to those around him, plants the kiss of love on an unsuspecting Psyche, whose soul takes wing in the form of a butterfly just as she succumbs to the sweetness of new infatuation. French artist Gerard's idealized figures embody the... ... more | $340.86 $249.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| Sumptuously idealized form and sensuous depth of emotion characterize this classical work by Bouguereau. The authentic stretched canvas replica painting captures the original work's texture, depth of color, and even its subtle brushstrokes, which... ... more | $329.46 $244.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| In an almost Cubist portrayal of simplicity and emotion, two deer stretch across the artist's canvas, awash in the bright primaries that transcend their natural setting. Marc was one of the key figures of the German Expressionist movement and a... ... more | $466.26 $364.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| With a halo symbolizing the duality of love and pain, this 20th century work shines with both feminine beauty and high controversy. The artist himself did not name the piece, but aficionados saw Mary, the mother of Jesus, in the calm confidence and... ... more | $397.86 $319.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| Knowing that the artist never visited a jungle, but was instead inspired by book illustrations and the botanical gardens in Paris, makes the dreamlike quality of this work even more poignant. The French-born Rousseau claimed "no teacher other than... ... more | $541.50 $365.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| In the most classic of poses, Venus, goddess of beauty and love, holds court from her sumptuously attired lair, cherubic Cupid at her feet. Pellegrini, considered one of the most important Rococo decorative painters of the 18th century, was credited... ... more | $340.86 $223.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| Cupid, invisible to those around him, plants the kiss of love on an unsuspecting Psyche, whose soul takes wing in the form of a butterfly just as she succumbs to the sweetness of new infatuation. French artist Gerard's idealized figures embody the... ... more | $204.06 $148.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| A confident and self-assured George Washington stands his ground at one of the important battles of the Revolutionary War in this work commissioned by the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania. The artist traveled to the actual battle to sketch... ... more | $340.86 $236.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| With a halo symbolizing the duality of love and pain, this 20th century work shines with both feminine beauty and high controversy. The artist himself did not name the piece, but aficionados saw Mary, the mother of Jesus, in the calm confidence and... ... more | $541.50 $409.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| An accolade was a ceremony that conferred knighthood in medieval times. This gentle maiden performs the ritual of knighting, lightly touching the candidate's shoulder with a sword. A highly romantic aspect pervades the entire work. Leighton was a... ... more | $340.86 $244.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| When artist and subject decided the cold temperature at the Serpentine in London's Hyde Park was better suited to skating than sitting for portraiture, they took to the ice. Stuart's work, created in the Grand Manner, was so favorably received at... ... more | $541.50 $365.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| Cupid, invisible to those around him, plants the kiss of love on an unsuspecting Psyche, whose soul takes wing in the form of a butterfly just as she succumbs to the sweetness of new infatuation. French artist Gerard's idealized figures embody the... ... more | $625.86 $455.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| In typical Bouguereau fashion, a lush fantasy realm comes to life with three idealized angels playing musical instruments while a heavenly light illuminates their serenade. This delicate portrayal is a detail of one of Bouguereau's most famous and... ... more | $466.26 $349.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| In typical Bouguereau fashion, a lush fantasy realm comes to life with three idealized angels playing musical instruments while a heavenly light illuminates their serenade. This delicate portrayal is a detail of one of Bouguereau's most famous and... ... more | $340.86 $249.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| When the boat docked, the rough and carefree river boatmen celebrated with irresistible joy! A self-taught narrative artist of the American frontier, Missourian George Bingham chronicled the life and times of the changing landscape of 19th century... ... more | $466.26 $365.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| Known for fine drawing and brilliance of color, British artist Huggins' 1845 portrait of two enviably exotic leopards demands attention with its immediacy. Artist Huggins drew from life using the classes at the Liverpool Academy of Arts or by... ... more | $204.06 $149.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| With a spirit as true as the perfect summer day, the work of America's Most Medaled Painter leaps off the canvas with a party of sun-drenched, turn-of-the-century beauties that include the artist's three daughters and niece. Benson was a highly... ... more | $655.50 $455.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| As one of the most pious of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table, the very mortal Sir Percival was tempted with things of the flesh, here in the form of a beautiful, but predatory maiden. British artist Hacker studied and displayed at the Royal... ... more | $541.50 $409.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| With a spirit as true as the perfect summer day, the work of America's Most Medaled Painter leaps off the canvas with a party of sun-drenched, turn-of-the-century beauties that include the artist's three daughters and niece. Benson was a highly... ... more | $340.86 $244.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| As one of the most pious of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table, the very mortal Sir Percival was tempted with things of the flesh, here in the form of a beautiful, but predatory maiden. British artist Hacker studied and displayed at the Royal... ... more | $796.86 $489.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| With a tenderness that comforts, two majestically-winged angels carry a dear departed soul through the clouds and toward the light. While mourning the loss of both sons and his wife within a two-year period, Frenchman Bouguereau turned his creative... ... more | $625.86 $459.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| Streams of sunlight, the bright blooms of summer flowers and the beauty of Monet's wife, Camille, all vie for attention in this sun struck work of art. This is Impressionism at its finest. The authentic stretched canvas replica painting captures the... ... more | $625.86 $449.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| Embodying the flat style and pure, unmixed colors for which German artist Pechstein is known, this work has a primitive, almost stark beauty. Pechstein is a pure example of the modern Expressionist movement and a brilliant artist whose history... ... more | $541.50 $409.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| In striking contrast to the white blanket of snow, somber Death spreads her powerful wings over even the digger of graves. A German Symbolist painter, Charles Schwabe, inspired by the demise of a close friend the year prior, persuaded his wife to... ... more | $541.50 $365.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| Most everything about this painting originally commissioned by William Graham - its title, its composition and its subject matter - seems mysteriously in dispute. What remains is a mesmerizingly beautiful portrait of a young woman of destined... ... more | $625.86 $455.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| His love for the grandeur of the American West is evident in this painting, one of German-born Bierstadt's most beloved. The work of this Luminist is highly collectible for its flawless execution of natural landscape and light. The authentic... ... more | $340.86 $236.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| Known for fine drawing and brilliance of color, British artist Huggins' 1845 portrait of two enviably exotic leopards demands attention with its immediacy. Artist Huggins drew from life using the classes at the Liverpool Academy of Arts or by... ... more | $466.26 $329.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| With a mysterious poetry, the lion visits the gypsy woman and her mandolin in a masterful composition that somehow employs hard lines and flattish perspectives to great advantage. As the quintessential untrained artist, it was the innocence and... ... more | $340.86 $236.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| With a tenderness that comforts, two majestically-winged angels carry a dear departed soul through the clouds and toward the light. While mourning the loss of both sons and his wife within a two-year period, Frenchman Bouguereau turned his creative... ... more | $541.50 $365.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| Both the Greek Nereid Actaea and the jumping dolphins seen in the blue waters of the Aegean in this treasured work are fabled to befriend sailors caught in dangerous storms. English painter and sculptor Sir Frederic Leighton was honored for his... ... more | $625.86 $455.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| When artist and subject decided the cold temperature at the Serpentine in London's Hyde Park was better suited to skating than sitting for portraiture, they took to the ice. Stuart's work, created in the Grand Manner, was so favorably received at... ... more | $204.06 $148.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| In a Medieval Avalon workshop strewn with the tools of her trade, the half-sister of King Arthur, Morgan le Fay, practices rituals of the Old Religion. British painter Frederick Sandys was so inspired by the lofty ideals of tragic power depicted in... ... more | $204.06 $147.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| A 1507 gift to the painter's daughter, possibly to celebrate the birth of a child, this visually rich composition heralds the Holy Mother and Child. Giving homage to Domitian and Julius Caesar with their portraits in the upper corners of the... ... more | $261.06 $199.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| The observer sees a tiny outstretched hand reaching to knock on an old oak door in this vantage-point view of a charming, late-19th century British work. Hopkins was greatly revered for his skill as an illustrator. The authentic stretched canvas... ... more | $204.06 $147.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| The regal air and rich colors of this work by Orientalist painter Deutsch draws the eye like a visual magnet. The Nubian guard exudes pride and grandeur while the use of architecture sets the stage to reinforce the human figure. The authentic... ... more | $340.86 $236.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| One of the most beloved and well-known images in the world, this detail of the "Creation" captures the hands of God and Adam, as rendered by the Master of High Renaissance art. The authentic stretched canvas replica painting captures the original... ... more | $796.86 $499.99 FREE shipping go to store |
| His love for the grandeur of the American West is evident in this painting, one of German-born Bierstadt's most beloved. The work of this Luminist is highly collectible for its flawless execution of natural landscape and light. The authentic... ... more | $541.50 $409.99 FREE shipping go to store |
Ads related to Vault W Artwork 'A Soul Brought to Heaven, 1878' Picture Frame Print on Canvas 20.5 H x 27.25 W x 2.0 D in Canvas, in Gray;red;yellow | Wayfair